You are Invited! The 2019 Redeeming the Dirt Retreat and Training

Come get inspired and equipped to shine for Jesus and bring hope to the poor through agriculture during this two day retreat and training in Foundations for Farming in Rockford, Alabama on October 4-5, 2019.

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Do you love Jesus and love agriculture? Are you interested in caring for the land in a way that isn’t just ‘organic’ or ‘conventional’, but is a reflection of the heart of Jesus? Did you know that a Biblical Worldview impacts the way we view agriculture and can produce abundant, joy-filled farms? Do you desire to bring the hope of Jesus to people around you, and feel that God wants your garden or farm to play a role? Imagine what it would be like if God called you to serve him and love others through connecting your faith and farming!

Noah Sanders invites you to come join him for a two-day retreat and training in Foundations for Farming. Foundations for Farming is an incredible Christ centered, discipleship-based farming initiative that was developed in Zimbabwe, Africa and is now spreading around the world. It is aimed at bringing transformation to individuals, communities and nations through faithful and productive use of land. God has revealed a very simple conservation farming method with an implementation management teaching, which when applied help people to apply the Gospel to their lives.

As the National Coordinator for Foundations for Farming USA Noah Sanders desires to help people see the importance of making the land beautiful, fruitful, and habitable. Through hands-on training and other resources he hopes to equip people to be good stewards of the land, whether they have a container garden on their patio, or a full-fledged farm. His heart is especially to help the poor have access to healthy, fresh food that they have profitably grown themselves.

“The Redeeming the Dirt Conference was a fantastic weekend. The opportunity to meet with fellow believers who share both a passion for God and a passion for farming was invigorating and refreshing. The emphasis placed on our role as stewards and servants of God stimulated a great degree of introspection in not only how I farm and garden, but also how I manage the other resources God has given me in this life such as time, money, and relationships. I left encouraged, enlivened, and challenged.” – Stewart, Redeeming the Dirt Alumni

Training Dates: October 4, 9:00 AM to October 5, 4:00 PM

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The event will be held at Poplar Point Camp and Noah’s farm and training station near Rockford, Alabama. Things you can expect to experience:

  • Fellowship and networking with other Christian farmers/gardeners
  • Hear stories of how God has been working in the lives of farmers and gardeners
  • Simple, effective farm management
  • Tackling overwhelm with Joy
  • Practical training in soil stewardship
  • Hands-on compost making
  • Installing a ‘Well-Watered Garden”, a demonstration Garden that can be used to train others and share the heart of Jesus.
  • The importance of having a heart for the poor in order to heal a nation
  • Worship, prayer, and practice in sharing the gospel through agriculture

Whether you are a full time farmer, part time homesteader, backyard gardener, farmer wanna-be, or someone interested in incorporating agriculture as part of your ministry or church, the Redeeming the Dirt Retreat and Training is designed to help you in the journey God has you on. Our goal is that you will go away from this training equipped to live for Jesus, excel in agriculture, and make disciples!

Agenda and Topics taught:

-Student stories and identifying our challenges
-The spiritual brokenness behind our agricultural challenges
-How the Gospel of Jesus provides a solution for agriculture and poverty
-The two Biblical Keys to Successful Farming
-The importance of Profit
-The four keys to successful implementation of God-honoring Agricultural practices

-Stewarding the soil God’s way: The Folly of Plowing
-Eating an Elephant: Tackling overwhelming tasks with JOY!
-Well Watered Garden Installation: Putting in a Garden to Showcase the Heart of Christ
-God’s Fertilizer: Making Compost
-Rotations and Cover Crops
-Q and A Session

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Noah Sanders Farmer, Homesteader, Author, Foundations for Farming USA National Coordinator

Noah Sanders is a farmer, homesteader, and author in Goodwater, Alabama. He is a passionate follower of Jesus who desires to know Him more and make disciples through his daily life. Together with his wife, Dorothy, and four young children, Noah runs a small farming operation producing vegetables using all-natural techniques based on the design of God in Creation. They homestead and raise much of their own food.
Noah is the author of Born-Again Dirt, Farming to the Glory of God. In this book he attempts to encourage Christians to think about agriculture from a biblical worldview. He is also involved with Foundations for Farming, a ministry based out of Zimbabwe, Africa, that uses agriculture to make disciples of Jesus and bring hope to the poor. As the National Coordinator for Foundations for Farming USA Noah uses his farm as a place to train Christians in agriculture that starts with a heart for Jesus. He has also put on several “Redeeming the Dirt” conferences that included speakers like Joel Salatin of Polyface Farm, Chuck Bentley of Crown Financial Ministries, and Brian Oldreive of Foundations for Farming.
Noah desires to see the church equipped to be leaders in faithful stewardship of the land. He believes that agriculture can be a great tool to help make disciples and display the Glory of God to those around us. It is his prayer that God will raise up a generation of ‘born-again’ farmers whose excellence in producing food will enable them to bring hope to the hopeless and introduce people to the author of life Himself.

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  1. Noah do you have an agenda or a list of what will be done / taught. I’m interested.

    1. Hey Clay!

      We will be doing training in the basics of Foundations for Farming involving head, heart, and hands.

      Agenda and Topics taught:

      -Student stories and identifying our challenges
      -The spiritual brokenness behind our agricultural challenges
      -How the Gospel of Jesus provides a solution for agriculture and poverty
      -The two Biblical Keys to Successful Farming
      -The importance of Profit
      -The four keys to successful implementation of God-honoring Agricultural practices

      -Stewarding the soil God’s way: The Folly of Plowing
      -Eating an Elephant: Tackling overwhelming tasks with JOY!
      -Well Watered Garden Installation: Putting in a Garden to Showcase the Heart of Christ
      -God’s Fertilizer: Making Compost
      -Rotations and Cover Crops
      -Q and A Session

      I really hope you can make it! It would be great to meet you.

      In Christ,


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