There is a growing number of people today who didn’t grow up farming, but are interested in making a transition from their current career to agriculture. But there are a lot of challenges related to a transition like this, both in the heart and perspective as well as in the learning curve of skills and acquisition of resources. In this episode of the Redeeming the Dirt Podcast I talk with Ray Tyler of Rose Creek Farms who made a career change to farming. Lots of great wisdom from Ray in this episode and really think you will be encouraged by his heart and passion.
Check out Ray’s free Lettuce E-book below:
Ray’s Online Farm Store
Check out Ray on Social Media
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Redeeming the Dirt Academy:
If you are interested in farming to the glory of God (or gardening or homesteading), check out Redeeming the Dirt Academy!
Redeeming the Dirt Academy is an online educational mentorship experience featuring video courses, interactive community and live coaching designed for Christian gardeners, homesteaders, and market farmers. Topics range from making compost and simple soil science, to homestead design and marketing options for farm businesses. Also included are pressing topics like balancing farm work and family, making disciples as farmers, and being prepared for suffering.
If you want to jump-start your faith and farming and join our growing community go to www.redeemingthedirtacademy.com to get started today!
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