Today there is a movement of Christians being called back to the land who are starting homesteads, but with a desire to shine for Jesus. In this episode I am joined by Josh Thomas from The Homestead Family to talk about homesteading, why God cares about it, the modern Christian homesteading movement, and tips for people getting started. Josh and his family homestead in Idaho and serve countless people with their super helpful educational resources. He attended the 2018 Redeeming the Dirt Conference and we have been friends since then. You will find links to his sites below.
Josh has also created a new resource that provides training in traditional skills that will be available at The School of Traditional Skills. On September 12-15th, 2022 he is hosting a free summit where you will be able to hear from all the teachers at the school. If you want to support Redeeming the Dirt through our affiliate link you can go to
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Josh’s Homesteading Resources:
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This was so so good! Praise God for what He is doing in and through His Bride! He is faithful!
This is so exciting! So glad I listened to this. It brought tears as I have been questioning if my husband and I have heard God’s call on our lives to this incorrectly. Just when I start to doubt…God puts another nugget of wisdom, opportunity, or open door in front of us! Thank you for your passion to encourage❤
This is truely sent from heaven. I am so greatful to God & you all for the resources given to me from this page. GOD BLESS YOU ALL IN JESUS NAME. Please pray for me & my family as we begin our journey.
Looking for a Christian Homestead near me where I can donate time and become part of the community. I live near Cleveland so Northeast Ohio
Excellent podcast! Love Josh & Carolyn! Just discovered them recently (and you too) on School of Traditional Skills. I have one of your gardening books in my Amazon cart!