On March 11th, join other born-again farmers in the Third Annual Born-Again Farm Prayer Day. On this day born-again farmers around the country and the world will join together to pray for God’s blessing on each other’s farms.
As born-again farmers we are very aware of our dependence upon God for our provision and livelihood. We can’t make seeds sprout, cause rain to fall, enable animals to conceive and give birth, or make people buy our produce. God is the only one who can grant us success. One of the primary ways we can show our dependence on God is by praying and asking for His blessing and provision upon our farms. And I believe that God listens to the prayers of His people.
“The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.” James 5:16
On the farm prayer day I would encourage us to pray for each other in two areas:
1. First, I would encourage us to pray for the Lord to change our hearts and make us into more Christ-like farmers. God-glorifying agriculture starts with the born-again hearts of farmers. I know that there are many areas of my heart that still need changing if I am going to glorify the Lord on my farm.
2. Second, let’s pray that the Lord would so bless the production and fruitfulness of our farms this year that people would marvel when they see them. Then we will be able to point to God as the source of our success, and give Him all the Glory.
Anyone interested in participating should do the following:
A. In the comments of this post, briefly describe yourself and your farm/garden/agrarian interests. Then list a few specific areas in which you would like the Lord to help you become a more Christ-like farmer. Finally, list specific ways you would like the Lord to bless the production of your land this year.
B. On March 11th, set aside at least one meal during the day to fast and use that time to go through the comments on this blog and pray for all the needs listed by your fellow Christian farmers.
I am looking forward to this as I do every year! Please spread the word to anyone you think may be interested. May we be strengthened in our faith as we join together in committing our lives, our families, and our farms to God.
“Isaac planted crops in that land and the same year reaped a hundredfold, because the Lord blessed him.” Genesis 26:12
Lord help me to point every good thing back to you and to lead a more Christ-like life through a continual attitude of servanthood. In Jesus powerful, loving name I pray!
Amen! He can do it!
-Noah Sanders
Lord, as we transition to living off the land instead of living off the corporate salary, we ask that you help us focus/remember that You provide for ALL of our needs. The instant gratification we take for granted needs to transition to an appreciation of the seasonal abundance You provide and to Your timing. We are to be good stewards of what You have given us and to manage our affairs so that we don’t become slaves to others. Help us to slow down and listen to You. Help us become more Christ-like by serving our new community and loving on those that cross our paths. Have mercy on us!
“Wait for the Lord and keep his way, and he will exalt you to inherit the land; you will look on when the wicked are cut off.” Psalm 37:34
May God bless you on your journey of faith!
I’m Dan Grubbs, and with my wife Kelli, we are converting our 10-acre homestead into a regenerative perennial food forest from which we share first fruits to the widows of our local church. We live in northwest Missouri, USA. We named our farm Hebron Acres.
I would like to become more Christ-like in my patience while trying to advance our objectives at Hebron Acres.
I would like the Lord to bless us this year in the building of our house and barn. We have much to do and the projects seem overwhelming at times.
As you give of your strength and time, may God add to your faithfulness with supernatural increase! I can relate with all the projects and farming and building a house at the same time. It drives me back to him, to acknowledge they are all His and ask how I can simply obey today.
Our family works a 2 acre blueberry farm. We also, have 1/3 acre of asparagus.
We broke ground in 2004 and have had many trials. We are praying that this year will be the beginning of an upswing in production after having to replant hundreds of plants over the years. The bud production looks very good. Last year was the “worst of times, yet the best of times”. We had the smallest crop yet but with the best bush growth. We have been grateful for all of the hard times too because God has changed us in many ways as we have learned to trust Him. We have strived to give God the glory all along the way but yes, we would like to finally have a great crop to serve the many customers that are always wanting more berries. God has put us in a very conspicuous place in the community and we have had many opportunities to give God the glory through seminars, tour groups, an regular customer contact. We have many people come from the local university too and provided their food service with berries. Our prayer is that we can utilize the opportunities that God has given us to share the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.
It is times of testing and difficulty that God uses to prepare us so He can use us. I can’t wait to hear what He has in store for you! Thank you for your testimony and may God greatly bless your crop this year!
My husband and I have an 8 acre transitional organic vegetable farm. We are leasing land from my father’s ranch. We help him with the ranch as well. We are on our third year of farming, and the adjustment has been rewarding yet difficult. I would like to be more Christ-like when my patience is limited and I’m tired. I tend to lash out at my husband and I need to work on that. Production wise, we have conventionally grown fields bordering us and we have been drifted on in the past. I pray for a season where we are not impacted by chemicals.
“Trust in the Lord, and do good; dwell in the land and befriend faithfulness. Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.” Psalm 37:3,4
May God bless both you and your farm this year!
Me and my family live on a farm in Africa, and with God’s grace our hearts changed that we fully surrendered our farm to God. We would like to be faithful stewards with what God has entrusted us with, beginning to farm without debt and lift the burden that has been placed on the farm with some bad financial choices, not listening to God’s voice and purpose for the farm and for us. The 180° turn we took, still causes a lot of conflict and miss understanding, but we persist and believe that God can also change hearts around us, as He has done for us. We pray for soft hearts, open minds and strong hands that we can hear God’s voice and that we can worship him in our daily work.
We started an apprentice program on the farm to help young people in South Africa to learn to farm God’s way and would appreciate your prayers for that.
“Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him, and he will act. He will bring forth your righteousness as the light, and your justice as the noonday.” Psalm 37:5,6
Praise God for the work he is doing in your lives and on your farm! May he continue to sanctify you and use you to build his kingdom.
Praying that the brothers and sisters will gather together on that day (and every day) to pray that we would allow God to use us in a way that we could not do ourselves! Bless the Lord!
Praying for wisdom and discernment regarding God’s vineyard and purchasing more land for grazing His livestock.
“The steps of a man are established by the Lord, when he delights in his way.” Psalm 37:23
May God direct you as you follow Him!
My name is Victoria and I am a recent home school graduate living in a small town in southern Minnesota. My family and I have been interested in gardening for as long as I can remember- my mother always brought my brother and I along on any gardening venture since we were old enough to walk. As I have grown and my relationship with the Lord has deepened, my interest in gardening and farming has intensified. I feel led to steward the land and to produce good quality food in a God-honoring way, but I am unsure of how to proceed with this leading.
My prayer is that I will be more Christ-like in all that I do, and that His will be made known to me for how He wants me to be acting on what I feel called to do.
May all these things be added to you as you seek first His Kingdom!
Thanks everyone for participating!
This year we are developing a new part of our farm for training and demonstration purposes, as well as being a production area for our family production. Please pray for wisdom and grace as we work on fencing, putting in the gardens, build a pavilion, etc. We desire to model Jesus’ humility, unselfishness, and faithfulness and how his heart impacts the way we farm, or anything else in life.
In a couple of weeks we have our first gardening class and would appreciate our prayers that the Lord would bring attendees, not just numbers, but the people He wants to be there. Pray that the training serves the people who attend, and brings glory to God.
We also desire that the Lord blesses our crops (vegetables, eggs, meat chickens) this year and that through our profitability God will provide for my family.
Currently we are building a house and still have finishing out to do inside. We need provision, patience, endurance, and faithfulness to be able to finish it so God can use it as a place where we can minister as a family to others.
In my own heart I desire to fall head over heels in love with Jesus, so that His love overflows from me to my wife, my children, and those around me.
Noah Sanders
Please pray for my family at our farm as I am out of town for work and we have ewes (7) that are lambing or have lambed. Only have one more to go but also have a couple left that the mothers did not want to deal with. This our first year for this and due to my work most of this has fallen on my daughter during the day, sons help after work. I should add she is doing a fantastic job and God has gifted here to care for the animals.
May your flocks be increased! Praise God for the blessing of family on the farm. The experience I had with bachelor farming was not near as fun as with a family!
We have a 15 acre hobby farm that we are working towards utilizing for God’s glory and feeding his sheep. We have a small garden started, 8 acres fenced pasture being used for a fellow farmer’s grass-fed beef, a green house that needs to become operational, lots of land that needs to be turned into functioning gardens, small fruit orchard trying to do battle with establishing in the midst of MN cold, chickens and bees. My hubby works full-time off the farm and I am a homeschooling momma. I’m struggling with feeling overwhelmed, but I know God is able and he has placed this vision on our heart for His Glory. I’m asking for strength, drive, and the job to get done!
I am currently in the process of searching for a home with a larger lot to expand my urban homesteading venture (vegetables, fruit, chickens). My dream is to farm full time someday. Please pray for the right property in God’s timing and faith and patience to wait on him for the future.
I am so very excited to have found this group and am reading your book- Noah, thank you for the incredible encouragement! I am glad there is a community of like minded Believers out there.
Praying lord will bless my farm on its new adventure and keep my animals and family healthy and full of life as we work as his sheaperd and tend to his flock