Several years ago I discoved the blessing of wheel hoes. I purchased one of Mr. Herrick Kimball’s Whizbang Wheel hoes and it cut my weeding chores to a fraction of the time. It is my most used wheel hoe and is badly in need of a new blade (mental note to order a replacement from Mr. Kimball). I would highly recommend purchasing one if you haven’t already done so.
A year or so ago a friend of mine showed me another wheel hoe which he had made himself. It was a two-wheel hoe modeled after ones produced years ago (and some on the market today) that could straddle rows and cultivate on both sides at once. The blades were adjustable and could be set up a number of different ways. I complimented him on it and he offered to make one for me. So I ordered some wheels, blades, and handles and brought them to him. Several weeks later brought me the finished product. Not only did it look classy, but it has proved very useful for quick weeding. I love tools that allow me to leverage my hand labor and still listen to the birds and sing to the Lord if I want. This is an excellent example of a tool that I believe brings glory to God in the way that it helps me to better steward my land. Below are some pictures from when I used it a few weeks ago.

My dear family in Christ. Excellent! Well done!! Bless your whole family with the closeness of our dear Lord! He is everything!