On February 15th, join other born-again farmers in the Second Annual Born-Again Farm Prayer Day. On this day born-again farmers around the country and the world will join together to pray for God’s blessing on each other’s farms.
As born-again farmers we are very aware of our dependence upon God for our provision and livelihood. We can’t make seeds sprout, cause rain to fall, enable animals to conceive and give birth, or make people buy our produce. God is the only one who can grant us success. One of the primary ways we can show our dependence on God is by praying and asking for His blessing and provision upon our farms. And I believe that God listens to the prayers of His people.
“The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.” James 5:16
On the farm prayer day I would encourage us to pray for each other in two areas:
1. First, I would encourage us to pray for the Lord to change our hearts and make us into more Christ-like farmers. God-glorifying agriculture starts with the born-again hearts of farmers. I know that there are many areas of my heart that still need changing if I am going to glorify the Lord on my farm.
2. Second, let’s pray that the Lord would so bless the production and fruitfulness of our farms this year that people would marvel when they see them. Then we will be able to point to God as the source of our success, and give Him all the Glory.
Anyone interested in participating should do the following:
A. In the comments of this post, briefly describe yourself and your farm/garden/agrarian interests. Then list a few specific areas in which you would like the Lord to help you become a more Christ-like farmer. Finally, list specific ways you would like the Lord to bless the production of your land this year.
B. On February 15th, set aside at least one meal during the day to fast and use that time to go through the comments on this blog and pray for all the needs listed by your fellow Christian farmers.
I am looking forward to this! Please spread the word to anyone you think may be interested. May we be strengthened in our faith as we join together in committing our lives, our families, and our farms to God.
“Isaac planted crops in that land and the same year reaped a hundredfold, because the Lord blessed him.” Genesis 26:12
What an incredible opportunity to pray for fellow believers needs! Thank you for doing this. At Creek Cottage Homestead we would greatly appreciate prayers for God’s guidance and hand in bringing my husband home from his corporate job and for us to make a living farming our land and starting a family economy. Thank you.
What an awesome site to come across in my search this morning.
May God bless you all richly and abundantly. I would also like to be a part of this prayer movement and lift up and be lifted up in prayer for our farm also.
Thanks so much for doing this!
We run a food club and have a small farm (Sacred Foods Food Club and Farm). Our goats will be kidding their first time and it is also our first time. Please pray that we can follow God’s lead through the process. We also are looking at adding more chickens, starting some bee hives and starting our gardens. We need guidance.
I absolutely love this idea! I’m not a farmer (yet!) — just a homesteading & homeschooling mama to three boys! However, one day when my boys are older, I do hope to be a small scale grass-based farmer. I will be happy to pray for those who respond with requests for God’s favor and blessing!
No longer a farmer but here’s wishing you all, the best.
God has blessed our family of 5 with a beautiful homestead in Mn. We have an orchard and I grow many perennial edibles and we have chickens out in the country. For the last 15 years our goal has been to provide food for our family and to give what is left over to friends, church and the food shelf. This year we are praying to expand a little to bring in some supplementel income and also expand our garden ministry. This will be year 2 trying Back to Eden gardening and we have been really impressed. I’ll be praying for you all 🙂
We are a family of 9 just starting out with our first garden. Easy to catch ouselves doing/planning things in our own strength, but could use prayer that God would guide our steps and give us wisdom. We will be joining you in prayer.
I love this idea.
My family has been blessed greatly with ways to help us become less sufficient on man and more on God. I would appreciate prayer that God help us see the best ways to utilize the blessings He has given us on our family farm and that He bless our efforts (both in our gardens and our animal husbandry) and use gentle correction where it is needed.
Also, Feb 15th is the due date for our first goat of the season so prayers that her kidding goes well and all remain healthy.
Ours too… praying for yours.
Thank you!! May your kidding be blessed as well!
I am a 17 year old homeschooled boy in Central Virginia. I am farming our little five acre farm, and a few acres of land of my great-grandmother’s. I am growing sheep, broilers, and laying hens on pasture. I find myself not being very observant, and sometimes overlooking important details, so prayer that I would be a more observant farmer, and that I would do what needs to get done, would be a blessing. I also pray that I would have an abundant lamb crop and bountiful forage, as well as minimal losses, as it would help me financially and provide an opportunity for God to show His abundance. I also would like folks to pray for my friends Daniel and Emily, who are a farming couple that use sustainable practices. Though they are doing a good job farming, as far as I can tell, they are not saved. So pray that God will open their eyes to the truth of the gospel, as there is no better way for Him to show His glory then to save the lost.
Thank you, and may God use this day of prayer for the furtherance of His kingdom.
I will be honored to pray for you Graham. I am always thrilled to hear of young people who love the Lord and want to honor Him by doing your best in “the original occupation” . What I find that helps me to be observant is to make sure I have some quiet time on my farm, no matter how busy the season. For me it is like a mini Sabbath every day when I sit somewhere on my farm for 10-20 minutes and be still. I find that I notice so many things that I miss as I am zooming around doing errands. I end this time with a short prayer of Thanksgiving for the blessings I have received and the privilege of working with the soil and God’s creation.
May God richly bless you.
I love this and cannot wait to do this! Okay, Hi, I am Linn from Michigan. I’ll be farming here in Grand Rapids at home and in nearby Rockford in a forest and within a sunny field surrounded by a 12-16 foot high deer-proof fence. I love God, people, animals, plants, and nature. I deeply appreciate God’s every day involvment in my life and keep my eyes open for opportunities to serve and please Him.
I long to raise animals for their eggs, combed out fur, and milk: I don’t want to hurt any one. I plan to grow Non-GMO, historic, organic foods by listening first to God, seed-saving, using the practices of permaculture, and vertical gardening.
Please pray for God to help me in my ability to know HIs will, hear, and know His voice in my attempts to be a Christ-like farmer.
I would ask God to bless the production of the land in these ways: safe, strong, nutrient-rich, fertile plants and fungi.
I shall tell others about this, yes, of course!
Thank you. : )
Linn, small world we are Grand Rapids people too! We farm south of the city around Wayland. May God bless you on your farming ventures!
I am amazed at how many Christians are headed to the country and starting up homesteads, off-grid living, and organic farms! This is incredibly encouraging. We are on our way too, soon!
Bart, it is amazing that Christian’s are beginning to hear with their hearts and by the Spirit that it is our mandate to steward the land in a God honoring manner and not leave our world in the hands of others. As my family is also praying for The Lord’s guidance in that direction, I pray that He will lead you in wisdom, truth, and contentment.
I almost forgot to post my prayer requests on here! Please pray for me:
-That I would be faithful in my farm this year.
-That I would not be greedy and unrealistic in what I try to do.
-That I would not walk in my own wisdom
-That I would do all my work wholeheartedly and to a high standard.
-That I would learn how to involve my son with me in my work more.
-That the Lord would bless our production
-That the Lord would bring us customers that we can serve
-That the Lord would use us to lead others to Jesus as we interact with other farmers and customers.
-That I would be a servant.
-That I would walk in fellowship and simple obedience to God in the Holy Spirit each day.
Thanks! Noah Sanders
Noah – you and The Lord’s ministry through you have inspired me beyond anything you’ll probably ever know. I pray for you and your entire family so often … that you will steward well, all that The Lord has entrusted you with and that He will bring forth fruitfulness in an abundance, more than you could have never hoped or imagined while ministering to the community around you.
All – although Noah knows my vision to have an poly-organic farm/cabins/ecology educational ministry in Ky (or wherever The Lord would choose) and that I would greatly appreciate prayers for wisdom and provision in that, my immediate prayer request is that The Lord would bless my small efforts and prosper our backyard raised bed gardens, our front yard edible landscape, and our chickens (5 in a tractor) with fruitfulness and with beauty so that all who see it will ask and that my entire family will experience an eternal fruitfulness in giving those people a clear and reasonable answer that points ultimately to Christ. May the name of Christ Jesus be made great.
My family will be praying for you all today. And what a joy to do it.
We have 700+ acres in the TX panhandle. We want God’s will to be done in our farming endeavors. We have beef cattle, a milk cow, some chickens and a garden! We want to see our land improved by natural means. We want to learn how to be good stewards of land and our animals. We also pray that, Lord willing, david will one day be able to stay home and make a living rather than going to a corporate job and farming on the side. Lord show us a way. And may our farm and farming practices glorify You.
Thank you for initiating the prayer day, Mr. Sanders. Your example is inspiring to us!
My family operates a small diversified farm in northern North Dakota, delivering mostly milk and meat around the state. Many customers are environmentalists, and idolize the products we produce as they worship nature.
I ask for prayer that my family and I would boldly and humbly share practical implications of the gospel in the way it affects our farming practices to our customers in 2014. We desire to see their lives changed spiritually as well as physically by our interaction with them.
Also, we are in need of wisdom in growing our business to serve more people better. Adding more dairy cows and larger gardens are two areas we are needing His blessing for success this year.
Thank you all for your prayers, I will keep yours in mind as well.
In Him,