I think one of the main things that I struggle with as a farmer is time management. As many of you know, there always seems to be more than enough work to fill the hours of the day. Many times I feel as though I am treading water trying to keep everything from sinking into disrepair. But as a follower of Christ, I want to be excelling in the work I do for Him, not just getting by. It just is hard, sometimes, to juggle farm production, marketing, maintence, ministry, family, church, and my walk with God. Lately the Lord has been teaching me to just trust Him, walking in obedience to His Spirit each moment of each day, but I know I have much to learn. So I would like to hear what the Lord has taught some of you about managing your time.
Please use the comments section of this post to share thoughts, ideas, testimonies, verses, tools, and practical examples of honoring the Lord in your time management as you work for Him. I hope it will be edifying for us all and will encourage us to be better stewards of the time, talents, and treasures the Lord has entrusted to us.
“In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps.” Prov. 16:9
I am a mother of two who works full time and husband farms. I really appreciate your site and hope to hear things that may help me as a wife. I want to be a better supporter of my husband.
Trusting Him
Time Management might be the most important aspect of a successful farmer. As a father, farmer, priest and prophet we are bombarded by requests from banks, workers, children, wives, agents, exporters and local agricultural pole-players. Quick couple of factors: 1.Honest Holy Spirit based business and family dealings will ensure a good night’s sleep. 2.Healthy drinking and eating habits will also ensure not only a good night’s sleep but also a 04h00 healthy wide and awake prophet ready to honour and communicate the God of the universe. 3.Constant Holy-Spirit based decision-making through the day ensures that God has an influence on your farming, family and social structures. Be willing to submit to His way that might not correspond to conventional practices. Follow Him and you will always have success. But remember, His measure of success are treasures in heaven and not financial prosperity! You and your family will not go hungry…this is a promise! 4.Include your wife and children in all financial and agricultural decisions. They need to know exactly why you are concerned about rain, cash-flow, wages, germination rates or even fuel consumption. One family meal a day shared around a table will do wonders in this regard. NO TV dinners allowed!! 5.Last but not least you need to plan: Fail to plan is a Plan to Fail! Plan both Social and farm related issues. 100% work but also 100% play when you do relaxation.
Worshiping at the altar of time is a very dangerous thing. I’m not advocating abandoning the clock or anything like that, but my own experience leads me to know just how insidious the pressure of the clock can be. What has been my spiritual lesson?
As you might expect, God shows me what’s important in many ways and in many circumstances. Like many people, I am excited to participate in many activities, projects, efforts and just plain hobbies. What I have learned in my journey of time management is that time is one of Satan’s most underestimated tools to draw our attention away from God. My definition of an idol is anything that distracts me from appropriate worship of my God, and I know it’s a common condition to have things distract our attention away from God.
So, the first thing I do is examine what I call biblical priorities: God first, wife second, children third, local church fourth, extended family fifth, job sixth, self last. This process itself helps me weed out most of anything that would distract me from God.
However, there always seem to be opportunities that come up to participate or be involved in something. When they present themselves, I go to prayer to determine if it’s God’s will. Then I examine by biblical responsibilities protocol to make a determination if I have capacity to include it in my life. If I am fully confident that God has called me to do something (teach Sunday school, short-term mission trip, etc.) I have learned that He also provides the means to ensure it happens.
What is my response when people ask me to be involved in things? The best answer I’ve found is to reply, “I’ll pray about this and see if God leads me to do this.”
Now, for those of us who may find themselves overextended in activities, I suggest examining things through the biblical priorities filter and see what doesn’t fit. If something doesn’t fit, I try to finish what I’ve committed to do and then break from the activity or to find a logical time to end my involvement.
It’s hard for me to say no to what may seem like a good thing to do. But, if God hasn’t called us to something, maybe even as small as to take on an extra dozen laying hens, then we should do all we can to be obedient to God in what He has given us to do.
I guarantee you that Satan will provide lots of things to be involved in and even opportunities on your farm. Carefully examine if it is part of your business plan for your farm and also if you believe it to be God’s will. Satan’s designs will be to take away time you need to be with God and fill it with other things.
Am I always successful at applying this? Not always. But, this thought process has been helpful to me.
Dear Noah and your dear family,
Greetings from your sista in South Africa. I don’t have all the answers about time management, but this I have found to be true every time: When I make time for Him first and make my day a day of fellowship and praise to Him, then He seems to multiply the hours in the day and also give me inventive ideas to doing things in a shorter manner. Blessings to your whole family. Ur sista in Christ, Pam