Walk Your Farm with THE Owner

It is a very busy season around the farm here, and it is hard to take time to blog. I guess blogging on a farm changes with the seasons along with everything else. The Lord is very gracious and merciful, and has blessed our growing season more than my skill and efforts merit. May he help me to be faithful in the little things everyday. The picture above shows the beautiful garden of a dear family that we visited this past weekend.

The following is an excerpt from my book that several people have said they appreciated, so I thought I would share it with all of you.

Walking Your Farm with the Owner

One thing that could help promote a better sense of stewardship in our hearts is taking a walk around the farm. The goal of the walk should not be to dwell on the work you need to do on the farm, but rather to simply walk the farm with its Owner. Apparently God walked with Adam, the first steward, in the garden of Eden. And I think the Lord would enjoy walking with us around the farms He has given us.

On your walk with the Lord go alone if possible. Pray out loud or whisper if that would be more comfortable. But just talk with the Lord and give Him a tour of the farm. Give Him thanks for all that He has blessed you with. Show Him the garden, the chickens, the pasture, the greenhouse, the cows—whatever you have, and give Him an account of how you have been caring for and working them. Acknowledge that they all belong to Him and ask Him to show you how you can better manage them. When you come across the chickens that are walking around in mud because you have been putting off moving them, then repent and ask Him to help you do a better job. Tell Him about the problem you have with disease on your tomato plants, or erosion in your newly planted pasture and ask Him to show you a solution. At times just be silent and observe. Look at His design in Creation. Pay attention to the needs that you may have previously overlooked. And give notice to any opportunities that He may reveal to you, like the acorns in the woods that could be fed to the pigs. At the end of the walk give thanks to God for granting you this land and dedicate it to His glory.

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Tips for Incorporating Prayer into Your Daily Life on the Farm

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  1. Hi, I just wanted to say I’ve been visiting your blog for a little while now, and really enjoying it. Thanks for sharing your journey.

  2. I just finished reading this section in your book and as basic as that principle is, I think it is one we all forget. I was very humbled and blessed by it. We will be moving to our land in a few weeks and I can’t wait to walk it with the Owner!

  3. Yes and Amen!

  4. Very good advice. I have been enjoying your book and appreciate re-reading this. I find that one can never get too many reminders and encouragement to do right. It will be very helpful to do this today.

  5. A light bulb went on for me when I read this section of your book. Thank you, Noah, for pointing me to God in this way!

  6. Thank you for the mindfullness. It seems such a simple thing but I’ve never thought to do it.

  7. I really enjoy your site. I’m here in Orlando, Florida and your term for “Born-Again Farmer” hits me right in the chest. You basically got me pegged! We share some common insight also. Being new to the faith, I noticed how little we as Christians made an effort to find who produced our foods. Yet, we’d go out of our way to make sure that a mechanic or doctor was also a believer, but we never have a thought about the person that grew our foods. Email me anytime…I really enjoy what you’re doing here.

  8. I just found your site a few days ago and I just wanted to say “Thank You! Thank You!” It is so encouraging to find Christians online who are writing about their experiences farming. My wife and I just bought a house on an acre out in “the sticks.” We are hoping to start our little homestead small but we have plans to buy the property next to us in the next 4 to 5 years, Lord willing. Sometimes we feel like Ezekiel. Like we are the only ones around. It’s nice to know that there are people out there who are going through the same things. Keep up the good work!

    1. Travis

      I am glad that this blog has been an encouragement to you. I pray that the Lord blesses you in your farming endeavor and brings you the fellowship that you need.


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