Redeeming the Dirt is a ministry of Noah Sanders and his family dedicated to helping people live for Jesus, excel in agriculture, and make disciples.

In 2022 we felt like God told us to shut down our successful farm business after 13 seasons in order to focus on serving the body of Christ involved in agriculture. You can read more about that here. We are now focused on producing and offering agricultural and discipleship training and resources. Several of our current projects include Redeeming the Dirt Academy and the Well-Watered Garden Project which offer many free resources.
We welcome anyone who feels led to contribute towards sharing the costs of our ministry. There are online platform fees, video hosting fees, email list fees, administrative help costs, web-hosting fees, podcast hosting fees, our own salary, and more. If you find yourself in a place that God leads you to contribute financially to our work you can use the button below to contribute any amount, one-time or recurring. We use a Christian payment processing company called Cornerstone and the recipient will be our farm, Rora Valley Farms.
We are not a non-profit, so your gifts will not be tax-deductible, but we appreciate you partnering with us in any amount God tells you to give. And only give it God tells you to do it. We are happy to serve you in any way we can! Keep redeeming the dirt.
Support the Work of Redeeming the Dirt

Thanks so much for coming to the ECHO Annual International Conference in Ft. Myers 2022!
You’re such a blessing to us all. Sharing your thoughts and direction with others is truly where He wants you!
May God keep you and your family safe and healthy as you move on His path.
Thank you! It was a joy to be there with all of you.
Dear Noah
thank you (and your lovely wife for parenting 7 kids solo while you were occupied!) for sharing your time with us to do this online WWG course:)
Our pleasure!